Siebrand Bros Circus

Posted By on August 30, 2009


In 1953 on the 4th of July we played Butte, Montana. It was a pretty strong date for the show. In the far background of this photo can be seen the Anaconda copper mines and smelter which Butte is famous for, The copper mine was in full production and the town folks had money to spend. One of the thing I remember most about Butte was just east and about four hundred  yards away from the show lot was a small brook with plenty of Rainbow Trout. I would walk there ever morning and fish most of the day until almost show time.To this day my favorite pass time is fishing. Note this fisherman is to the right  of center stage, dressed in a white suit. To my right third and fourth persons are my Mother and Dad.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Siebrand Bros Circus”

  1. Julie Gillikin says:

    Hi. My mother traveled with the Siebrand Bro Circus through New Mexico and Arizona for 10 weeks in the summer of 1953. She was part of a team of girls called the “Del Davis Girls”. I am trying to find any photos at all of her time in the circus. If anyone has any, please let me know!

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