Louie, Paul and Louis

Posted By on June 3, 2009


From left to right…….. Louie Goebel, owner of Goebel’s Lion Farm,  Paul Hoefler, wild animal trainer and Louie Roth, Mr Goebel’s head trainer at the lion farm. Here are some little known facts: Louis Roth was tutored in the skills of wild animal training by Jack Bonadita, an Italian. He trained lions and bears and was considered one of the finest trainers of his time ….but that did not keep him from being killed by one of his polar bears. Jack Bonadita got his animal training  expertise in the early 1900’s from an English wild animal trainer named  Frank Bostock. These men all tried to out do each other and more often than not, did. This attitude has not changed to this day. Bigger arenas, more lions, mixed groups of animal still compete in the circus world. This attitude is what made those trainers great then and the animal trainers of today that follow in their footsteps great today.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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