Playing The Fairs

Posted By on April 16, 2009


In the 1950’s and 1960’s Siebrand Bros played every major fair in Montana, Idaho, Utah,  New Mexico and Arizona as well as two provinces in Canada.

                                                      Read comment by David Horner.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Playing The Fairs”

  1. David Horner says:

    I look at these picture and the memories flood my mind. My Dad would leave our Nebraska home in late March or early April to join the Siebrand Show in Arizona. My Mom and us kids would come after school got out in June, usually joining my Dad in Grand Junction. We would play the still spots until the fairs started.

    All of us kids worked, starting at about 7 or 8 years old. I was a ball boy in Slim and Lucky’s six cat, sold tickets, made change in a glass pitch, was a stick for a wheel game, stuck apples at the Sweet Shop, ran errands (especially for the flat store agents; they were good tippers), you name it. Once the fairs started, I worked for my Dad in the diggers.

    The fair route was the same all the time we were with the show Great Falls, Billings, Logan, Jerome, Bosie, Filer, Blackfoot, where we would leave to come home for school (although in the very early years, it seems the show went to Lethbridge and Moose Jaw, Canada??). In my minds eye, I can still clearly see the fair grounds, the grandstands, where the trailers were parked, the indepenant midway and the livestock barns of every spot.

    I remember the trouble Peter and I got into for stealing the shifter knobs off the farm implements and tossing them from the top of the grandstand to watch them “explode” when they hit the ground. To this day, I can’t see a fireworks display without thinking the grand finale meant I needed to get back to the joint because the grandstand blowoff was coming!

    I’m so glad you took the time and effort to put this site together, Ivan. I visit often to see what new things you’ve added. And I never leave without your pictures jogging another memory.


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