Zoeanna and her Dogs

Posted By on April 13, 2009


A dog act seems to be a Henry tradition. Every uncle, aunt  and nephew had a dog act  including myself. I had a troupe of Dalmatians. I have to tell you a true and funny story about my aunt Bertha.  Many years ago we were traveling though Texas and we stopped in Ganesville to visit aunt Bertha.  There was a little snow on the ground and  it was very cold. We got to her house and she was quite happy to see us and you couldn’t help but notice that all of her dogs were in the house….there had to be about 20. Well this is all it took my Dad needed to see….. he loved to tease.  Dad looked around and said……… Why are all the dogs in the house? ………. she said, because it’s cold outside…….Dad looked over to her and said…. so I guess when you go to bed and it gets too cold,  you just throw another dog on.


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