Mingo & Friends

Posted By on March 3, 2009

mingo-and-friends Mingo is second from the right in his pink polka dot clown wardrobe. I have known Mingo all of my life. Most circus performers knew Mingo as a true circus trooper. The clown on the left is Willie the Tramp Clown. I believe this photo was taken on the Gatti Charles Circus in the mid 1960’s. I remember Mingo as a sweet and gentle person who would do anything in the world to help a fellow circus performer. I never heard him speak ill of anyone.  May God bless him… Help me to remember the names of the two lady clowns on either side of Mingo.

             I have the names now thanks to Jackie Knupp. See Comment below.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


4 Responses to “Mingo & Friends”

  1. David Erickson says:

    Good day,

    I think I may have been a neighbor of Mingo, if he was residing in a trailer park in Norco CA during the late 70’s… do you suppose that this was the Mingo you speak of, he talked a bit of his years performing… Could you update me on what became of Mingo and when he passed away.


  2. admin says:

    Mingo did live in Norco, CA not to far from his good friend Chata Weber. All I can tell you about Mingo is that he was a dear, dear man. A little known fact is that Robert Mitchum and Mingo were friends. When Mitchum first started his acting career there were a lot of tough times, Mingo would give him some money so he would not go hungry.I saw that same kindness with other perfomers and friends. I knew Mingo most of my life and we worked many shows together. It juct dawned on me that I never knew his real name …..he just went by Mingo. One day he was here the next he was gone, May God bless him.

  3. Jackie Knupp says:

    Hello Ivan,

    I have some notes here on Gatti Charles Circus that I believe my mom must have typed up that says Domingo ‘Mingo’ Feliz… so perhaps that is his real name…

    and further ….

    Bob ‘Hi-Fi’ Emerico Producing clown
    Ray “Tally-Ho’ Smith
    Jim ‘Weary Willie’ Elwess
    Domingo ‘Mingo’ Feliz
    Gloria ‘Bagby’ Stratford


  4. Jerry Doty says:

    I met Robert “Bob” Emerico known as Hi Fi The Clown when I had a Gospel Magic store in Springfield, OR in 1978. He was an incredibly wonderful, caring person. He developed some special magic effects which I had in my store on consignment for him.

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