Circus International

Posted By on May 12, 2017

Jeff Powless sent this photo of the Hubert Castle Circus poster. The date is 1971. The show was playing Toronto but I know very little about Hubert’s show. In the mid 1960’s Dad and I worked with his show with our chimp act. In his younger years Hubert Castle was known as Hal Smith which was his true name. In my collection of old photos there is one of Hubert performing on the tight wire. It so happens that he was one of the acts on my grandfather circus….the  J.E. Henrys Big Show. There is no date on the photo of Hubert, but it had to be some time in the early 1930’s? Thanks again Jeff for the photo.



About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Circus International”

  1. Doug says:

    I have this poster original got it in Rosedale area of Toronto …elderly lady in early 90s

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