Polack Bros Shrine Circus 1967

Posted By on May 7, 2017

This photo came from the Jimmy Cole collection.  Casey Gibbs sent it to me.  This Tiger in the photo is Cubby and she was a trouble maker, always looking to start a fight with one of the lions. Cubby was also the safety cage door bouncer. She was the last cat to leave the arena, so for exciting finish. Pat would haze her to the exit shoot door, reluctantly Cubby would turn as to attack Pat at the safety door where by Pat closed it between them just in the nick of time. All was very well performed for the audience and you could hear a sigh of relief.

Jack pot…….. There were times Cubby just didn’t want to bounce the safety door. Pat of course wanted to close the act with excitement, so he would rattle the door, step in and out of the arena, shoot a few blanks and if that didn’t work, throw the chair, then the whip amd of course all was in vane. Cubby would lay down on the arena floor and look at Pat as if to say “not today Pat”. The crowd did get a kick out of it as Pat exited the arena saying I tired her out, along with other words under his breath. 

It would’nt be fair not to mention a person that was Pat’s right hand man… Bill Johnson.  I would say that Bill was the back bone of Pats act. Bill did every thing for care and upkeep. Bill Johnson was one of a kind.      


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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