Native American Performers

Posted By on October 24, 2015

6451806985_d7971161fe_zThe Native Americans played a large part in many of our circuses. They either performed in the after show or as a special attraction or both. They would sing and dance in full costume.  I am sure that they were never allowed to do a RAIN dance. The after show was about 15 or 20 minute reenactment of the Old West, much like that of the Buffalo Bill show. Cowboys and Indians doing what they did in the old days. Quite often while the after show was going on, the circus crew would start dismantling ring curbs, props and some time even the bleachers that people were seated on. This only happened for a good reason. A long jump, bad weather on the way and if the crowd was very light.  I understand that John Robison is credited for this idea. I can’t tell you, how many times I heard the phrase..”we are pulling a John Robison tonight” and when the show owner said this, the acts would cut their performance to shorten the show. This of course made an audience wonder why,  scratching their heads as they left the big top.    


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Native American Performers”

  1. Jim Elliott says:

    The woman second from right is Ora. Freddie Logan’s second wife!

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