Arthur & Marie Show Poster

Posted By on April 24, 2015

Arthurs PosterSCAN1787During the early 1940’s World War two broke out. My uncles all wanted to do their part in the war effort.  All except one Todd Henry suffered injuries from their younger years in the circus. Todd joined the Marines and fought in the Pacific” Iow Jima was the most dangerous of all he said.” Todd came through the war without a scratch. Henry Bros circus was all but over. My grandfather was not well, my uncles stayed with it as long as they could and later each of the brothers went out on their own. Arthur and Marie Henry put together a show.The above poster was used in windows and where ever it could be seen. It was easy for the Henry boys to make a good living as they each did several acts. After a while all were separated. Some in Gainesville, Texas, others in California. There was only one time 1954 that Henry Bros went out again. Todd put together a show, it was to open in St Louis, Mo. Todd called my father to join him with our acts, which we did. The show was a side wall back drop and two rings…looked pretty good. We were out for 3 months and we made a little money. Todd…. for what ever reason…. did not use the Henry name.  He called the show “Donacker Bros. “.

The poster came from the John Polacsek collection.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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