Polack Bros Circus 1968 #7

Posted By on December 18, 2013

PolusaPalusa, I hope I spelled his name correctly. I remember him as being a fine person and a great entertaining clown…………………………PELUZA. Thanks Bob for the correction and comment.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


3 Responses to “Polack Bros Circus 1968 #7”

  1. Bob Momyer says:

    Peluza was a great clown. I worked with him on the staff at Clown College. We stay in touch each Christmas.

  2. CASEY GIBBS says:

    Peluza lives here in Las Vegas. I worked with him many times on different shows over the years and he is very good person. He got hit by a car here in Las Vegas when he was home on his Christmas break from Ice Capades on year and been disabled ever since. A real shame to happen to a guy who was a master of his trade.

  3. admin says:

    Casey…. When you see Peluza, please tell him hello for me, also give him my cel # Thanks IVAN

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