Lakemont Park Altoona, PA. #1

Posted By on July 20, 2013

Lakemont Park Cover 1This was the cover of our brochure when we first opened Lakemont Park in 1988. The park had been closed for quite some time due to problems with the previous owner. Bill Capell had the opportunity to take over the park on a lease option deal. I was hired as the park manager. The people of Altoona dearly loved Lakemont Park because of its history and their personal memories. The folks were very happy to see the park reopen. All you had to say was Lakemont Park and you could see the nostalgia in the peoples eyes…..everyone had a story about Lakemont. The three years I was there as the manager of the park was enjoyable and I met a lot of nice people.



About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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