” IT’s Triska”

Posted By on February 2, 2009


I know these people and have worked with them, but I can’t remember their names……….could you help me out please?  Two more photos to follow……..JUST GOT THIS ACTS NAME FROM  BILL STRONG ……SEE COMMENT  BLOW.          UPDATE 9/15/09. Donna Triska SEE comment.

There is a comment from Wendy Ford. I think someone from the Triska family should read it.

Another great comment, Thanks Norma.

There is a request from Pete Trisks, please read.

                                                 Please go to comments Triska is on You Tube


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


35 Responses to “” IT’s Triska””

  1. Bill Strong says:

    Seeing the cloth cover & the motorcycle, I believe this is Matej Triska.
    The first time I met him he was visiting the Orrin Davenport show in KC, about 1956, he was in a full body cast from an accident while changing the axel on his house trailer. The trailer fell off the jack & he was pinned under it, word is that he lifted the trailer enough to replace the jack, and crawl out from under it. Having observed him through the years I believe the story.

  2. admin says:

    Hello Bill… After reading your comment and seeing the name Triska it hit me like a ton of bricks ,this three photos are Triska. Dad and I worked with him years ago.
    Thanks again Kindness Regards Ivan.

  3. Neil says:

    Hi there I like your post, hope my comment will keep up your good work with your blog SPARTAN!

  4. Donna Triska says:

    I agree that, that looks like my father’s act.

  5. Zelenka Triska says:

    That is definitely the Triska’s. That is my grandfather Matej, and the others I can’t be 100% sure of because the picture is not the clearest. However, I can tell you that the others are probably Sonja Triska, Irene Triska, or Karel Triska. Karel is my father. I know that this paticular act was performed with my Aunt Sonja and Aunt Irene a lot. The “Triska Troupe” were originally formed in and from Czechoslovakia (before is was split into Czech Repuplic and Slovakia). They traveled out of Czech with the circus around 1950 or so. I know that my father, Karel, was around the age of 2 when they left. My father performed all of his life on the highwire, and was the first in the world at perfecting several different highwire tricks. He was also featured in the Super Circus for several years. My grandfater was also the first in the world at severl tricks he performed, and some of them have never been duplicated by anyone else since. I can honestly say with out any bias that the Triska Troupe were some of the most talented and amazing performers in recorded history.

  6. steven triska says:

    that is my uncle matej and the rest of the act should be my aunt karla and uncle joe pikna as well as my fater agustine ( gustov ) triska they originated in hradeckralove just outside of prague in the czech repuplic and toured in the united stats with the shriners ciccus in the 1950s matej settled down in inianapolis where he lived for many years and past away a few years ago my father is still alive just outside of cincinnati ohio althought he is in poor health

  7. carol triska williamson says:

    YES. It is probably my uncle Matej with my dad Augustin and my aunt Karla. Depending on the year it was taken, it could also be my counsins Irene and Sonja. Although this picture is hard to tell, he was the only one who dared walk the wire with a sack over his head. My parents have many such pictures.

  8. augustin dennis triska says:


  9. Gay Varner Chargualaf says:

    I remember that platform and may have pictures of the Triskas. They performed for a summer in the late 1950s at my parents’ rodeo arena at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. One night, Matej rode a bicycle across the wire with my father on his shoulders. Unbeknownst to everyone, they had dressed our straw-filled, rodeo-bullfighting dummy in similar western clothes as my father was wearing. When they got near the far side of the wire, one of my father’s friends cut the lights, and Matej rode the rest of the way on the bike, with Dad still on his shoulders, in complete darkness. When they reached the platform, my father ducked behind it. They tossed the dummy off just as the lights came back on. The crowd gasped, and a doctor tried to scale the fence to reach them just as my father jumped up and waved–to everyone’s relief, especially my mother’s! Those were two of the bravest men I have ever known. I would love to hear from the family.

  10. augustin dennis triska says:

    the last post is true to the core my uncle matej was a true showman always trying to keep the crowd on their feet .as a toddler one of several memerories i have is him in the sack acting as if he was going to fall. the crowed would gasp saying ;he s going to fall; the same would happen with his stalled motercycle tric.k i have pictures of my family doing the seven man pyramid in the 1940’s

  11. Marcia Triska says:

    yes that is the triskas, i was married to karel triska matejs oldest son.
    we also worked in the circus together on the high wire.
    karel also walked blind folded and i went across on his shoudles, plus i did a trick up side down with him on the wire!
    the best high wire act in history came from the triskas,
    karel lives in florida now and has all the pictures of him amd me on the wire. he is posted on face book if any one wants more imformation.
    oh by the way my name is Marcia Triska, also on face book!

  12. Wendy Ford says:

    Hi there, I believe that the Triska troup of that era are second cousins to my mum. She remembers the names and that her Aunt Margaret (her mothers Florence Patricia Keeting youngest sister) emigrated from UK and became a Triska in a famous circus act. They later retired to run a small chicken farm in OHIO. Or so we believe. Margaret came back to the UK twice to give birth to her babies but we have lost all touch after that.

    My mum is amazed at seeing this site and at her age to be able to see her family again. If there is anyone out there of that family that would like to get in touch we would be very happy to hear from you.

  13. I am from britain and when I was growing up, triskas were playing at Belle Vue Manchester. Whilst they were there my Aunty Margaret met up with a member of the group, and married him. You were wintering in Belgium when she came home to Gorton to have her first child. Then they went out to the states and did very well from what I understand. I was about 13/14 years of age then. Margaret Keating was her maiden name she was the youngest of four sisters. Edna, Ada, Florence being the others.
    I was told by my grand mother that they then retired to a chicken farm in Ohio she would rather aged now I think if she was still alive. I do know she loved her life. I would love to hear from her children what happened after the chicken farm. I do see Triskas name popping up as stunt directors in film credits from time to time.

    I would dearly love to know all about her part in the circus, I only saw her with two little tiger cubs in the picture my mother had.
    I have lost touch with all of the family now I live by the sea in Poole Dorset on the south coast of England.
    Norma Vivienne Green

  14. Hi and its so lovely to read all your memories of the Triskas on here. The show I saw most of was slightly different in that instead of the high wire or should say as well as, they did a long uphill wire walk from the floor of the ring to top of the top. He was really spellbinding as he had someone sat on a chair on his shoudlers and was wearing a sack over his head. He went all the way up to a platform very high it took him quite several minutes in which everyone was holding their breaths in case he slipped. When he got to the top all the audience let out their breaths at once It was an amazing sound echoed right round the ring.

    Belle View where they were performing was a large zoo and ballroom and funfair complex as well as the circus but alas as with most of these places its mostly gone and a housing estate is in its place.

    However theres still one bit alive and well and thats the speedway team of Belle View which people go to see now.
    Norma Vivienne Green
    or in case my Aunty Margaret is still alive she called me the gallant norma viv as I was always trying to help others specially animals I took alsorts home and got into trouble was told they wernt lost so I didnt need to find them.

  15. PETE TRISKA says:


  16. Hi Moderator

    I am having such fun with googlemail trying to see whats in there, they say after years they have no accountso could youplease use my other e.mail addy:-
    Vivienne@Green55.plus.com. This one is more reliable. I am pleased to have had a comment on here and its wonderful to know they are still a happy family. I am truly sorry
    I havent got the photos as my step father burnt all my mothers papers when she died so that I couldnt get anything from my mother. He was not a nice person but am saying no more than. that. I was put out onto the streets at 16 to fend for myself so made my way in life as best I could. I am proud of me and have been sucessful running a building co for 30 years. Please dont print this it is for your eyes only,
    It is my birthday on Tuesday and I have reached the age of 76 and dont want anyone to think I am after something but to be able to write to them and perhaps exchange pics of their family this side of the pond. Its girls again four generations but my mother is on there so they might have seen her with my Aunty Margaret. regards viv

  17. machelle triska says:

    Hello! my name is Machelle Triska i am Peter’s daughter, like my brother my family would love to be able to get anything to do with our family, photos, videos, newsclippings. anything to do with them, id like to show my children where we came from and how special our family is. Thank you all!!

  18. augustin denniis triska says:

    margaret is my mother.mom and dad are stll alive and kicking living in ohio

  19. augustin denniis triska says:

    my e mail is natmakel @aol.com

  20. I showed the picture to my mom, Grace Margaret Keating Triska. She said it is a press photo which is why it is so hard to see. The people on the wire are Matej, his 2nd wife, Pat Snow Triska and Karel Triska. My dad, Augustin had a stroke 3 years ago and is not able to tell us much, although he is mobile and able to communicate. I am their 4th of 6 children, sister to Augustin Dennis, Steven and Carol Triska Williamson who have also written. She is also very happy to see her niece, Norma Vivienne Green is trying to find her and is very interested in making contact. She is writing down some information to share soon which will be posted by one of us.

  21. To the moderator:

    I am trying to make conact with Norma Vivienne Green by the e-mail listed above. Would like to know if you could pass on my e-mail address to her daughter Wendy Ford.. My mother, Margaret Keating is very excited and interested in making contact with them. My e-mail is jdtrix@zoomtown.com. Thank you. Janet Triska Dunham

  22. Hi all out there,

    Just wanted to let you know just how grateful I am to have found my Aunt after 70 years of trying. Grace is indeed my Aunt the youngest of my mothers sisters. I remember her as a teenager only, now she is head of a wonderful family who have all been so nice to me. She is my only blood relative alive apart from a younger cousin who lives in the midlands and Aunty Grace passed on her e.mail so at last I have a family.

    I must have written to every Triska in Ohio area for years without sucess, perhaps people were afraid we might be after something or trying to con them it happens all the time.

    Thank you all once again and promise to get the photos to you as soon as I can but as I am going on a very special cruise in November it might not be till after Christmas. My daughter paid for me to go on a cruise round the ancient monuments around Europe so will be visiting many countries and so it is all very exciting for me. I will be away a whole month.

    best wishes to all
    Norma Vivienne Green

  23. Ritch Goodwin says:

    Hello not many family members know me but karl triska was my step father and we lived in indianapolis I can remember as a child growing up most kids had swing sets in there yardbut not us we had a platform and a high wire and of course karl bought us motorcyles and yes they had tires on them at first .my baby sister was karls little girl I can remember being back curtain and meeting performers and remembering everyone as a large family .my sister z just lost her life which I am having a real tuff time with the postive side is that I got to see karl and family thank you karl for such an exciting part of my life . I love you sis and will see you again some day your bub ritch.

  24. stephanie Triska says:

    Hi, My name is Stephanie Triska. My grandmother is Margret Triska from the UK and my grandfather is Augusta Triska. I know very little about my ancestors due to my father Steve Triska moving me to Melbourne beach Florida when I was very young.I left for the military and am still away from family. It would be very nice to be in contact with my ancestors. Please contact me at Stephanie_triaka@yahoo.com. Ive seen the black and white video of my great unlcle matej.

  25. stephanie Triska says:

    ***Riding the motor cycle across the highwire, how amazing!

  26. Norman c Brown says:

    I have several photos I was getting ready to put on Ebay of the Triska Troupe
    show me how to upload them and I will share them.Maybe someone here wants them and the family of course would have first rights to buy them.

    Thank You

  27. Marilyn Williams says:

    Hello! I am pleased to have come across this blog and the name “Triska.”

    In 1968 I was in southern Louisiana and after a circus performance, I believe in Lafayette, I met a young performer named Sonja Triska. She was probably in her late teens or twenties. In fact, I have in front of me right now a 3×5 card with her name and a contact address in Glen Gardner, New Jersey. We corresponded for several years, but then I lost contact with her.

    If any of the Triska see this post, and knows Sonja, I would love to have contact information for her and get in touch again. Thank you very much.

  28. Charlotte Anselm says:

    Hello together ! Wow do I ever have a big family. Karel Triska was my grandfather. He lived in the check republic until he died. He was the father of my mom Alice. My grandfather had six children and he toured as the group “The white devils” before and during 2nd WW in Europe and check republic. His wife died at a young age and he left 6 gils and one boy. They toured until the mid 60ies together. There was Slavka, Aloisie (Lola), Josepha (Alice, my mom), Karla, Sonja und Jirka (Georg). Lola lives in Paris now, Sonja is in South America still all her family members are working for the circus. Jirka als lived in South america he died during a wire crossing, a terrible accident.
    Still a lot of the Triska family is still working for the circus in Check Republic and South America. My mom Alice was visiting Matej and his wife in the US in the 90ies. Family reunion…. I still have a lot of family pictures while they are performing. I will post them if anyone is interested.

  29. Sonja Triska Shy says:

    To Gay Varner Chargual of Lake of the Ozarks, Mo. Note you posted dated: Feb. 19, 2011.
    I have just seen your post and wanted to let you know I am his daughter Sonja. I was there when he did that prank. I remember how the people screamed and yelled. My father absolutely loved doing that prank. It was good to hear from someone that was there as well. That was a very enjoyable time for all of us at the rodeo. Thank you for your post it brings back happy memories!

  30. Sonja Triska Shy says:

    To Marilyn Williams, Re your post on Jan. 25, 2014. I am the Sonja that worked in Louisiana in 1968. That was so long ago!
    I was truly surprised to see your post! I I am the one that you kept in contact with but I’ve lost all contact with the circus for over 40 years. My life went in another direction. Working a regular job and family life. If you have any photos that were taken back then I would love to see them. It would bring back cheerful memories I’m sure. Comment on this blog and then I will get back in touch with you. Thanks for your post !!

  31. Sonja Triska Shy says:

    To Charlotte Anslem on post dated Oct. 31, 2014. I was thrilled to see your post! You are the closest of anyone to have all the names of family members. And I do remember my dad (Matej and his wife, Arcelia) saying some family came to visit them in Indianapolis, Indiana. Dad passed away in November 2006. I would love very much to see any pictures that you have of them while they were performing. There has been only a few pictures scattered across the family for us to share. I worked with dad on the highwire for several years until I got married. The circus was very much a part of my life and I have good memories. it would give all of the family great joy to see some old photos. Thank you for your post!

  32. Sonja Triska Smiley says:

    Charlotte Anselm I would love to get in contact with you. Please find me on Facebook to exchange family history. I am Matej Karl Triska Granddaughter. I think you left his name our of the list of children for Karel Triska.

  33. Sonja Triska Smiley says:

    Charlotte Anselm I finally figured out the family relation. Karel and Anna were the parents of Josef who married Aloizie. Josef and Aloizie had 6 girls and one boy. Aloizie died at age 40. I don’t know if what you wrote was translated and family relation didn’t flow correctly. It seems you listed the children of Josef and Aloizie not Karel and Anna. I would like to know what country you live on now.

  34. Ark Sirt says:

    here is a link to a video on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4WF7DxbZ8E

  35. Mirko says:

    Hi, I’m sonja triska’s grandson. I’m seeing that he knows a lot about triska trouper. I’d like to know if he had more photos to share.

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