Joanne Hofmeister

Posted By on January 30, 2009

  joanne-hofmeisterI never saw her act, but she is a Hofmeister so it had to be a good liberty drill.  Joanne was a Radio City “Rockette” in the early 1950’s.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Joanne Hofmeister”

  1. Wade Burck says:

    Great pictures of Bob Hofmeister. Thank you for posting them. I had always heard of Bob and the great act he trained with these horses, but I had never seen pictures of the act before. I saw the horse’s years later, after they were gelded when they were on Circus Vargas and Billy and Tommy Baker were working them. Is this picture of JoAnn when she was married to Donnie Anderson and they had the famous Texas White Horse Troupe? Wonderful people, extremely skilled horsepeople. I worked with them for a number of years “back in the day” on the Hamid Morton Circus and the Great Texas Dates.
    Also thanks for the pictures of Pat Anthony, truly one of America’s greatest.
    Wade Burck

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