Rudy Bros or Bentley Bros ?

Posted By on November 21, 2012

Both shows seem to have the same colors, red and white. The ring curbs are different in design. Only a performer would know. Tommy was the ringmaster on Rudy’s show for a season or two.

Thanks Norman for your comment.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


5 Responses to “Rudy Bros or Bentley Bros ?”

  1. Norman Prentice says:

    Hi, this had to be Rudy Bros. Because we didn’t have the high wire in the the front. And the band was always in the back which I didn’t see. and I don,t reconise any of the performers.

  2. Tom Landis says:

    I think this might be Bentley Brothers. I recognize Timmy Loyale to the far right standing on his horse and I forgot the Mexican family’s name that is following behind him. Some of the costumes look familiar.

  3. Richard Marini says:

    It’s definitely Bentley Bros. Cause I worked for Tommy from 89 to 95
    The ringmaster is Jerry Eyestone, Diane Moyer walking the Elephant’s.
    The picture is not that clear but this was definitely Tommy Bentley’s Show.

  4. charles clancy says:

    you are correct on all the names, I think the girl in blue on the center elephant tub is Teppa Hall. the picture was taken over in the valley in northern California. that was the lot we did the photo session for our one and only program.

  5. Alex Smith says:

    High wire rig is THE POSSOS the children
    In the photo could be Sando or Englebert
    From the Artura Ramos troupe

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