Officer Presley

Posted By on December 17, 2008

Officer Earnest Presley was a policeman who created a dog act that demonstrated safety and good manners to school children. He traveled all over the US visiting schools with his dog act. He was honored by police departments everywhere for his civic dedication to young people.                        SEE COMMENT


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


4 Responses to “Officer Presley”

  1. Larry Bruton says:

    Enjoyed so much seeing the photos of Officer Presley’s Safety Circus. I traveled with Officer Presley during the 1966-1967 season as his assistant. MANY motel rooms…two shows a day (and we only missed one that year…4 feet of snow in Wyoming). I did the driving and the stage setup and sound and helped with the magic tricks. Am 64 now…was about 20 when I made the trip. A tour was a school year and with summer dog training before we left, it was a solid year on the road. Some shows were for a thousand kids…some only 25, especially at the poor schools in the southwest that normally didn’t get anything. Ernie always made sure we went to those. Thanks again for posting the pictures…I always wondered if anyone would remember Ernie…a nice guy that I still miss. Regards….Larry Bruton

  2. WOW’- I followed Mr. Bruton the following tour (67-68) on the east coast swing. As a teenager, I was’nt sure about of all the adventure’s ahead. Their were many.
    I fondly remember the Pontiac station wagon, the modified horse trailer we pulled for
    the dogs , the many police officers that helped guide us along the way. But most of all
    the look in the childrens eye’s as the dog’s did their act. The dedication the Presley’s
    (Ernie & Betty ) gave to this life’s work is a wonderful example of life (well lived ) to all who had the opportunity to work with them & the wonderful dogs.
    It was my honor’ – Thanks-RS

  3. Dan Lindley says:

    I just came across a picture I’ve had since a kid! B&W about 8×6″ and it’s of Officer Pressley with Elmer, Lassie, Lady, Anne, Dot, Mig, Jing, ans Susie. Different from the pic above. Fairly good shape. Old memories! Dan in Florence, SC

  4. Jack Odom says:

    While clearing out my parents home I came across a postcard of Officer Pressley and his dogs Elmer, Brownie, Lassie. Jing, Suzy, Lady, Mig, Tina, Ida and Tip. It was sent to me at my parents home in the mid to late 60’s… Actually remembered the performance. Put a smile on my face. I would like to mail this to someone that would appreciate it.

    Jack Odom from SC now GA

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