Jungleland Lions

Posted By on June 22, 2012

The feed and clean-out door should have been closed. Maybe this picture was taken during the cleaning. Even though these lions were on exhibition as seen here, they all performed on the main stage. 

Thanks for your comment Randy.

Steve Fleet has made a comment about Jungleland.

Thanks Janice for your comment.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


4 Responses to “Jungleland Lions”

  1. Yes these cubs where a part of a new act, and as I recall they were put together so they could play but it was a fairly hot day in Thousand Oaks and they were winding down after a fun romp, which was a treat after work. They actually had separate cages but as you can see the dividers were open in this shot for play time.

  2. Janice Trevino says:

    Remember the Butcher shop in the back. I use to go with dad to the ranches to pick up dean cattle and horses. They would bring them back To Benny Bennett and he would prepare the cats meal. We use to go to all the grocey stores and get the day old bread and produce for the baby zoo and the other animals. I miss those days!

  3. Steve Fleet says:

    When I used to stay with uncle Albert (Fleet) and aunt Cleo who lived right across the road from Jungleland, I would hear all the big cats growling every afternoon when they were waiting for their evening meal.

  4. Roger Smith says:

    Janice Trevino: If you come back and see this, I knew all the “stiff truck” drivers from 1965 to our closing, in 1969. Who was your father? I well remember Eliodoro Mosqueda, one of our favorite drivers, whom we called Ted. Benny Bennett was Jungleland’s top man for cats. He brought me along as mentor my whole time there. I named my son for him. I hope you return here with your memories.

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