Parades Parades Parades

Posted By on May 8, 2012

If there was a parade somewhere you could bet Jungleland was in it. It was great advertisement for the compound. Yes, it is true Jungleland had M-G-M Leo. There were three different lions used for the logo throughout the years of M-G-M: Barnie, Toni, and Leo. Mel Koontz was the trainer for the two latter lions. Leos real name was Major he was also called Rusty.

All was successful at Jungleland…. UNTIL… The rest of the story comes now.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Parades Parades Parades”

  1. Roger Smith says:

    The lion here is Sammy, the contact lion used in the Ron Ely TV series, TARZAN. The two guys in the car are Sammy’s owner-trainers, the father and son team of Suart and Joe Raffell. A detailed history of the MGM logo lions is found on the studio’s website, even describing which lions were used for black-and-white films, and which for color. The coverage includes how many roars each lion had looking left, and how many looking right. Somebody did their homework on this one, if you want such detail.

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