World Jungle Compound

Posted By on May 6, 2012

As you can see here in the compound’s flyer, the World Jungle Compound featured an array of great wild animal trainers. Many of those trainers did a lot of studio work, adding to the income of the newly formed partnership. On another note, I believe it was Trader Horne that invented the little baby plastic and rubber elephant that children could ride for a dime. The little elephant would safely rock  back and forth. These elephants were found at the entrance of many different markets and stores as well at the Jungle Compound. They were very popular but the maintenance on them caused their downfall. It seemed that the mechanism was too complex. That did not stop their ideas nor there business tenacity, which included new ideas on making a wild animal film.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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