Captain Harold Winston

Posted By on December 11, 2008

Winston’s seal act played just about every foreign country. It was a great act and Winston was a great showman.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “Captain Harold Winston”

  1. Dennis Teubner says:

    My name is Dennis Teubner. I am the grandson of Harold W. Winston. The son of Joyce Winston. My mother is the only one of Harold children still alive. She lives in O.K. Thank you for keeping my grant. Fathers memory alive. P.S. The email I sent is my daughter’s. She cane send me any reply you may have. Again Thank You.

  2. Jo-Ann Jennier says:

    My Father called Mr Winston the greatest sea lion trainer. He worked a riding sea lion in the center ring on the RBB&B when my Father broke into training.

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