Howe’s Great London Circus #1

Posted By on April 6, 2012

This photo is the lion tableau band wagon 1921.

A must read comment by Darryl Ferges.Thanks Darryl for your comment.

For those in our business who had family back then, we fully understand just how tough it was. I have listened with awe the stories about the old days. True stories told by my Father,uncles and my grandfather as well as many old timers……… They are all gone now and may God bless them…. IVAN


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “Howe’s Great London Circus #1”

  1. Darryl Ferges says:

    Hey Ivan these shots of wagons and performers sure capture how rugged it must have been in that time. They didn’t have RVs and I wonder about living conditions on the road then. Mud and mud and not too much pavement and just getting costumes and everything show ready must have taken lots of their time. In our time we got to see great improvement in equipment for “life on the road”.

  2. Leah Stinson says:

    My family took care of the horses. John Coss from Indiana, and he was with Howe’s London Circus in 1877. I am looking for any information.

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