Col. Tim McCoy #2

Posted By on March 22, 2012

Tim McCoy’s Wild West Show carried many native Americans from different tribes ….Arapahoe. Lakota, Sioux, Cherokee and each and all performed in the show. Some of the performances were historical reenactment of battles, such as”Little Big Horn.” There were stage coach chases, native war dancing, trick roping and riding performed by the cowboys  and a little fast gun slinging. There was story telling of the old west by Tim McCoy who would stand in the center of the arena relating facts and history of the American cowboy and native American people.  Tim McCoy knew the sign language and as well understood and spoke in three different native American tongues. He would always teach the audience some of what he knew in sign language and simple native words. This most likely was the biggest hit of the show. To this day people can still remember the word “Washsta”, “all is good”.   The Native Americans gave Tim McCoy the name “HIgh Eagle”.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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