Dailey Bros Circus #3

Posted By on March 17, 2012

Stock cars. These cars were specially built to haul live cargo. In this photo, livestock being unloaded, either for a rest or readying up to be herded to the show lot.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “Dailey Bros Circus #3”

  1. Caroll Daringer says:

    Looking for OldTime People that was with Dailey Bros. in the mid 1940s

  2. Manuel King says:

    I left an act I broke of 5 male lions with Ben in Beaumont, Tx. after a terrible season in 1949. I drove to Pt. Arthur and told him I was broke. I’d give him the cats if he would lend me enough money to get back to Brownsville. He said he didn’t need them and I told him I
    couldn’t feed them. We were in his private pullman sleeper and he took me to the office section and opened a fair size safel. Inside were stacks of money he had made up in Canada and the states when he had Joe Louis on the show. He reached in and grabbed a bunch of bills and tossed them in my lap. As I recall it was $1,000.00 dollars. The performance in Pt. Arthur was canceled, as I remember. He stopped the train and picked up the cats in Beaumont that night. What a guy….and I remember years later I stopped just passed Victoria, Texas on my way to Laredo to deliver two elephants. Ben had a little shopping center unit. We spoke for a while and I asked him if he’d ride down to Laredo with me. He grabbed his hat and told Jeannie goodbye and off we went. The
    rest would be too long to tell you now!

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