Tex Orton #2

Posted By on February 6, 2012

Tex was a true cowboy but if he had to he, he could be sophisticated. When the 101 show closed he did a few rodeos then went into fair grandstand shows as well as circuses. Maybe someone will have a little more information on this fine entertainer and his family.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “Tex Orton #2”

  1. Jerry Beeman says:

    I worked with them WAaaay back in 1967. I was working in Joe Pelaquins Motordrome and did a small incline wire act and they had a shooting gallery and did their act. It was on Peter G Hennings Pleasureland Amusements. They were very much like family. When I got sick with a stomach virus the Mrs babby’d me. Never saw or heard from them after that.

  2. Dee Dillon says:

    Tex Orton, I knew him as Chief Little Bear, M. Apache…Blood brother to my mother, Happy Woman…At Norfolk Va. Amusement park…At the Indian Village….Would love to know what his real name was….I know it wasn’t Tex….in the 70’s….a very fine man…

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