Doug Ashton and Wife

Posted By on December 4, 2008

The last time I saw Doug was in 1979 when I was managing Legend City Amusement Park and I went to visit the Shrine Circus. Hubert Castle had the date and Doug was on the show. We had a great time cutting up jack pots of years past. He and his wife had a fast and funny act. I spoke to him about doing a few weeks at the amusement park later that season, but the timing was bad and things did not work out. I never saw my friend again…. sometimes our business is cruel because it separates friends.                    Read Comment.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Doug Ashton and Wife”

  1. Darryl Ferges says:

    Ashtons!! funny funny funny….all of them..I figured when we worked with any of them the comedy was taken care of for that show…it was backstage between shows that another level of foolishness always went on…we loved those people and they tried to get us to go to australia and be in their circus…wish we had done that….

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