Circo Suarez Front Gate

Posted By on December 5, 2008

In 1974 I had the pleasure of being with Circo Suarez. We took the chimp act and while there, Ruel the owner of the show asked me to work the elephants as their trainer and also break a young African elephant named Judy. I enjoyed entertaining the receptive Mexican audiences.

 Thank you for your comment Ryan, There is a replay from me.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


4 Responses to “Circo Suarez Front Gate”

  1. Ryan says:

    Can you tell me more about the elephants, their history, what became of them, etc? Thank you.

  2. admin says:

    Ryan there is not much to tell. When I was with the show in 1974 with my chimp act, there were two elephants One nice old Asian that had a good temper. I retrained a new routine on her and worked her in the show. The little African was a Jug head How ever I did manage to brake a few tricks, nothing great. After that season There was no more contact. Then in 1979 I sold my elephant Shorty to them. He was a male and fully trained. I heard many years later they had to shoot him. I do not know this as a fact…………. I hope this is just a rumor. IVAN

  3. Ryan says:

    Thanks, Ivan. Do you remember the Asian’s name ?

  4. admin says:

    No Ryan I don’t. To many years. IVAN

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