Ladies of the Show

Posted By on October 9, 2008

Siebrand Bros 1947. They were having a baby shower for one of the ladies.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


3 Responses to “Ladies of the Show”


    ivan, you’re killing me with these photos. the shot of the baby shower is a new one. there is my grandmother and i believe my uncle buck’s sister in law. i will call you, maybe this weekend and talk to you. i now have a cousin and an uncle looking into your sight. they’ll be thrilled to see the baby shower pic. talk to you soon. bruce

  2. Norma Prather Lethem says:

    Are you sure it was 1955?
    The woman on the far right in the dark dress with her hair up looks like my mother when she was thin, more like 1947. If that were the case, this might be for Patsy Siebrand’s baby shower. Norma

  3. Norma Prather Lethem says:

    don’t ask were I got 1955 from. This is the baby shower for Patsie Siebrand. My mother on the far right is Marion Prather.

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