Sheriff Arpaio and Ivan Henry

Posted By on October 7, 2008

Joe Arpaio is one stand up fellow!


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “Sheriff Arpaio and Ivan Henry”

  1. Mary Gray Frasier says:

    HI ivan, I just got off the phone with my (and your) old friend Judy Jacobs and your name came up during our conversation. Judy said you live near me and that I should give you a here it is.
    On April 3rd we had a reunion in Dallas of folks from my dads’ show. I saw Ethyl, Patty and Gary and a whole lot more. Goerge Carden hosted it and we had a ball.
    I live in EDIT OUT and would love to hear from you and share our heratige.
    My phone #EDIT OUT
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    Best regards
    Mary Frasier

  2. admin says:

    Mary I will call soon. I had to edit out info before I approved your comment…IVAN

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