Old Side Show

Posted By on October 12, 2011

Here again is a group of sideshow performers. I believe this photo was taken in the 1940’s. If you know of Johnnie Howard or anyone else in this photo, please make a comment…. thank you.

Jen…….. Thank you for your comment. They are a must read.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


3 Responses to “Old Side Show”

  1. John Howard says:

    Sorry – hit send too soon. Hope the rest of the comment went through. I commented on the third and last picture.

    Dad was a WWI Navy veteran. Somewhere along the way he changed his last name to Howard. His original family name was Sunstrom. I learned this after he passed away.

    John Howard

  2. Jen Maynard says:

    I recognize the dwarf fellow in the front as someone billed as “Bear Man” from the late 1930s. Nany Mae “Sissy” Cook is second from the left, second row back. She was billed as “Penguin Lady” and “Half Woman” in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Both Bear Man and Sissy toured with a carnival out of Texas at one time.

  3. Jodi Hannah says:

    The Sheep Headed Man.. John Hannah he is the one with thebdread locks. My great grandfather.

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