The Old Bull Men

Posted By on September 8, 2011


From left to right, Eugene “Arky” Scott, Bert Pettus and “Doc Hayden”, a friend of theirs, whose last name is unknown to me. This is the last photo taken of Arky before his death from cancer.

Both Arky and Bert were rough and tough old birds, but that was only to cover up the softness that was inside of them. I learned a lot from these elephant men by watching how they handled themselves around the elephants they worked and trained. Watching and asking questions was so very important. I’m sure I got  got on their nerves at times, but my interest was honest, and they never hesitated to answer me.

When I started working and owning my own elephants, I remembered what I learned from men like them. I copied them all – all that were the best. If you are going to copy anyone, copy the best

Tom Wilds emailed Doc’s last name…… Hayden . Thanks Tom.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “The Old Bull Men”

  1. Tom Wilds says:


    There was a Doc Hayden there for a number of years. Sure does look like him at that distance. He was quite a model builder as well.

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