Prince Najvez

Posted By on August 29, 2011

This photo was part of Tommy Bentley’s collection. You may know this person. If so, please comment……….. Read comment by Lee Stevens..Lee when I worked with him he did not use this stage name. Thanks. Also thanks to carol for her comment.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


3 Responses to “Prince Najvez”

  1. Lee Stevens says:

    This is the ONE and ONLY Billy Barton ..

  2. Carol Philips says:

    Prince Najvez – aka Billy Barton. He used this name in the last few years he performed on the trapeze. He used a Peruvian, or Incan, theme for the production, and Prince Najvez fit that better. That is probably Bobby Davis down below, who managed the web for Billy. Bobby was a small guy but he really swung that web with a vengeance. I used to love to watch him go flying through the air when Billy reached the height he wanted and released the web. We worked several different dates with them, but on one date, in yandotte, Michigan we immediately followed him. His fireworks were spectacular, but created a problem for us because the ash residue settled on the table Don worked on and made it very slippery.

  3. Todd Walters says:

    Might be BILLY BARTON, he was always big on flash..His ground man was BOBBY DAVIS and he DID have similar wardrobe to that in photo

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