The Sons Of Morocco

Posted By on August 18, 2011

There were many of these type acts brought over from Morocco. The Moroccan kids do pyramid building and tumbling as a pastime on the beaches of Morocco, making a little money from the tourists, as well.

I believe it was Slamen Alli who got the idea to make an act out of this unique talent and present them to the American public as performers. Bear in mind,  Moroccan tumbling has been something of a tradition for way over a hundred years.

The Sons of Morocco were not the first troupe brought over. They came in the very late 1950’s. There was another troupe by the name of Hassani and they had a young lady who performed with them. If my memory serves me correctly, her name was  Fatima.

A comment by Shafflk.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


5 Responses to “The Sons Of Morocco”

  1. Yasmina says:

    That’s my father, on the right, being held up on his side!

    How exciting to see him on your cite. I have heard all of the stories over the years and I am thrilled that someone is collecting this great memories.

    Thank you.

  2. shaffik says:

    fatima is my grandma facebook cherifian troupe

  3. Yasmina says:

    My father was married at one time to Fatima. I believe they had a daughter together and she died of cancer.

  4. Dahab rouas says:

    My uncle tony abdelaziz souiri on the bottom refad and my father mohamed rouas second from bottom holding up uncle mershani

  5. Aisha says:

    Yasmina, who is your father?? My father, Abdelmajid, is on the top and my uncles AbdelAziz and Mohammed Roaus are also pictured. How did this pic get online? Who gave it to this site? I don’t think I met your father. Email me on my website, I’d love to talk more.

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