Circus Dogs

Posted By on August 17, 2011

This photo is from the early 1950’s. The name of the act is unknown to me.

I never realized just how many circus performers there are, let alone theatrical and variety artists. My circus blog has opened me up to a world of performers  I never knew or met. I always thought we were a small group and somewhat insignificant.  I’ve since discovered this is quite the contrary. Entertainers, no matter what field of show business they may be in, cover an extremely broad spectrum and are very relevant.

Stop and think a minute, as I have done. Without us, the world would be a very dreadful place. I think on one of the six days that God was creating His world He said, “This is boring. I think I’ll create an entertainer.”


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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