Harry Ross

Posted By on August 10, 2011

Harry Ross was known as Mop Head the Clown. I remember him with such fondness. In his younger years. he had a vaudeville act where he did a very sensational solo hand balancing act. His partner was a little dog named Pal. His act consisted of extraordinary strength in hand balancing and his prop was a 12-foot A-frame ladder. He would go into a handstand, and basically walk up the ladder on his hands. When he got to the top rung, he would do a series of planges – one arm plange, side plange, etc. – and then he would lean over and push up into a one arm handstand balancing on his finger tips. He would then descend the ladder on his hands. Phenomenal! 

As he got older, he changed his image to that of a clown, and his act became a comedy balancing  table and chairs.

Harry was responsible for teaching me how to do handstands, one arm handstands, press planges, roll-up planges and more. He felt it was important that I learn these things. “You never know in this business when you’re going to need to know how to do these things,” he always said.

His theory was – whether you were standing on a sidewalk or sitting in a chair, you should have the strength and confidence to do a handstand as naturally as standing.

I’ve never known a person who spoke ill of Harry Ross. May God rest his wonderful soul.

If you go to the Search feature on The Circus Blog’s front page and type in Harry’s name, you will find other posts with photos of his act.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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