High Wire

Posted By on July 5, 2011

This is all that I was able to  make out from the photo…… Berosini Family April 12,1947.

Read comment made by Carol Philips.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


4 Responses to “High Wire”

  1. Carol Philips says:

    Ivan – Could that be “Berosini” ? I believe that Zenka Malikova had a relative, cousin I think, who also did high wire – think the relative’s name was Josephine Berosini.

  2. Andy says:

    Hi there. Does anyone know if Zenka was also an ice skater? I am looking for an Zenka who skated in a Brighton UK show in the 40’s called Zenka. or where i might contact a relative of hers if so.

    Thanks Andy

  3. Andy says:

    Hi there does anyone know if Zenka also ice skated and was in an ice show in Brighton Uk in the 40’s . If so maybe a contact number for a relative? thanks Andy

  4. Richard Mackinder says:

    Zenka was my landlady in Fort Worth, Tx in 2001. No not an ice skater. Came from a family of circus performers
    Was the high wire walker in the Don Amiche movie, THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. She said he was an ass. Her daughter had a trained dog act and her niece from Czeechoslavakia was a trapeze artist. To sum it up she was a hoot.

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