Bill Atterbury’s Sky Kings

Posted By on June 29, 2011

Dad and I worked many fairs with the Sky Kings.  I even remember their music for the act…….” I Wonder Who’s Kissing Her Now”.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


14 Responses to “Bill Atterbury’s Sky Kings”

  1. Becky says:

    Do you have any history or photos from the Atterbury Brothers Circus?

    My great grandfather was Bob Atterbury

  2. Robert Lee Atterbury says:

    I do Becky…

  3. Lynne (VanHumbeck) Helman says:

    Evie VanHumbeck performed with Bill Quovadas Aug 21-Sept 2, 1957 at PNE in Vancouver, B.C. as the Sky Kings on intrepid “sway-pole” dare devils changing poles in one huge swing. Evie and Bill performed all over Vancouver. Does anyone have pictures of these events.

  4. Holly Delay says:

    I am looking for information regarding Robert F and Robert L Atterbury, my grandfather and great grandfather. I have circus pictures from the time they owned and performed in the Atterbury circus.

  5. John L Atterbury says:

    My father was John D Atterbury, the son of Bob. He was born in 1924. I have several photos and copies of photos. One shows 20+ people (complete with clowns) posing in front of an Atterbury Bros truck, There are a couple of boys in the photo, one of which is my father when he was around 12. I have a copy of an advertising flyer. I have a couple showing Bob and Rose, his wife, and another of Rose with my 15 month year old father sitting on her laptop. This would have been taken around 1295.

  6. Pat Harrigan says:

    My mom was in the comets act we hit a lot of the same shows. If this is the same sky kings I am thinking of they had a daughter who’s name is Penny. Is this correct?

  7. Joseph Atterbury says:

    I’d love to see the pics mentioned above and I am willing to share the ones i have so far. I’m the Grand Son of Robert L. and the son of Robert F. I’m looking to put togeather a history with pictures of the family.

  8. Lisa Gale says:

    I am the great granddaughter of Rose Atterbury (my grandmother was Helen (Atterbury) Deman). I would love to see pictures and here some about the history of my family. Thanks!!

  9. Daniel Benjamin says:

    I have a short video (Film copy) of his preformance on Wakefield, MA Common on July 4th 1953 or 1954 as part of our July 4th Celebration that year…its about 5 minutes in (color) with him coming out and waving , climbing the pole, then shimming up the final pole and swaying back & Forth and coming down and saluting the crowd …believe following year their were two people?? Then the accident?….Remembered his show from my early years (6 or 7 yrsat the time) …..would love to get a poster from those years!

  10. ryan Cotton says:

    Is there any chance that I could get a copy of that video? My wife is the great grand daughter of Robert L.

  11. Linda Carpenter says:

    omg I just found this website. I had researched the Atterbury Circus some time ago and found a lot of information through CircusWorld and other places. Bandwagon was FANTASTIC and I have bought a few originals. I hope your search is ongoing. I tried to contact Hellen Atterbury Deman with no response. Was probably 20 years ago. I was never able to tie in my Atterbury ancestors to the circus Atterburys, but ever so excited about it.

  12. Dr. Frank R. Douglas says:

    My grandmother was supposed to be related to the Attebury Circus in Missouri but I have no data on whether that is true or not. I would like to get more data about the Attebury Circus if you have any information to share I would appreciate it.

  13. Joseph Atterbury says:

    I’m collecting a family history, any information and pictures would be very helpful. contact me at thank you in advance.

  14. Laura Market says:

    I would love to have photos. This is my biological family I found 21 yrs ago! I always wanted pictures, but they are on my aunts basement.
    Atterbury. Thanks

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