Gil Gray Circus Parade

Posted By on February 2, 2011

John Harriott and Babe Jackson on one of the Gil Gary floats, mid 1960’s. Thanks Kandra for the photo.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “Gil Gray Circus Parade”

  1. casey gibbs says:

    I remember this float was pulled by the 2 Chestnut mares that belonged to Gertie and Max. They also worked in Johnny’s camel act. I used to drive the Hawaii float pulled by Max and Virgal 2 ponies from the dapple liberty act. Wanda Ward was the hula girl on the float

  2. casey gibbs says:

    Sorry about the color of these horses .They were Buckskin color.

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