The Hartzell Family

Posted By on December 2, 2010

 From left to right:  Olive, Glenna and Glen”Bones” Hartzell. This photo was just sent to me by Randall Hartzell, a second cousin to Glenna. This photo was taken on the R.B.B &B. Circus in the late 1930’s or the early 1940’s. Bones and his wife Olive clowned on many different circuses but mainly with Ringling. After Olive’s death in 1946, Bones created a pit show and traveled with different carnivals though out the mid west and west exhibiting a live octopus. In 1953 Bones and his daughter Glenna joined the Siebrand Bros circus and carnival with their show. My Dad knew the Hartzells and he and Bones spent a lot of time cutting up old jackpots. Glenna sold tickets for her father’s pit show at the price of 10 cents. On the fairs they changed it into a Ding Show. It was faster getting the people though and it made more money. My experience with the octopus was one of excitement. My friend Lanny Locken and I asked Glenna if we could see the creature………… “sure go on in”. We stood overlooking the high barricade into a tank where this very large thing was laying in a liquid of some sort. We were not impressed and ask Glenna why it didn’t move………….Well she said it used to be alive but that was a long time ago, now Dad keeps it formaldehyde and every now and then we pump a little air into it, It kinda makes it move and it looks bigger. Sometimes Dad will open a can of sardines and lets it set a while……….gives it a fishy smell……….. Now you kids get out of here…….. “The Ding Show”. Quite often I use words that some people will not understand as they are only understood by show people. At the front page of my blog on the right side under categories you will find a show biz dictionary where the definitions can be found.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


3 Responses to “The Hartzell Family”

  1. Joseph says:

    That’s a cool photo. There’s certainly so much interesting tradition in the circus business; that’s awesome that you’re 4th generation.

  2. Fred Hartzell says:

    My Great Grandfather and Greatgrand mother worked for ringling Brothers from 1880- 1922 George Hartzell known as the Million Dollar Clown. I have the newspaper with a photo in 1922 of my Greatgrand Father, Greatgrand Mother , Grand Father also a clown for Ringling Brothers later he went on to Talkies and my Father. With the same family name we must have more in common.

  3. Donna Hartzell Wilbur says:

    I am the oldest in George Hartzell’s family. My Great Grandfather, also named George was the “Millionaire” Clown named because he looked like a million dollars. His full name was George Britton Hartzell son of Rev. George Hartzell. My Great Grandmother Alberta Hartzell, was the seamstress and bookkeeper for Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey Circus. She was the first born of James and Mary Matlack. For most part, my Great Grandfather worked for Ringling Bros but did have his own circus for awhile named “Hartzell Winter Circus”. Great Granddad’s 1st love was entertaining sick children and did some clowning for the children at Shriner’s Hospital in Philadelphia. One of my most prized possessions is the scrapbook that my Great Grandmother made during her Circus days that my Dad gave me before he passed away.

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