A Little Dr Pepper

Posted By on November 20, 2010


I understand that Gil produced the Dr Pepper Circus and that it was a huge date.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


3 Responses to “A Little Dr Pepper”

  1. Kandra Robertson says:

    Mr. Gray & Jim Skinner. The Dr. Pepper Circus was a free attraction at the State Fair of Texas for many years. I’m not sure of Jim Skinner’s title, but he was head of the fair grounds & fair for many years. All of the big wigs gathered in Mr. Gray’s office semi. When Mr. Gray had his show in Disneyland, Walt Disney would visit with Mr. Gray in the office.

  2. Kandra Robertson says:

    Mr. Gray & Jim Skinner. The Dr. Pepper Circus was a free attraction at the State Fair of Texas for many years. I’m not sure of Jim Skinner’s title, but he was head of the fair grounds & fair for many years. All of the big wigs gathered in Mr. Gray’s office semi. The Dr. Pepper Circus ran all 3 weeks of the fair. We did a lot of 3 show days & almost always had a full house. Mr. Gray’s Dr. Pepper Circus & Disneyland Circus were the only times that I can remember Mr. Gray having the show under canvas, when Mr. Gray had his show in Disneyland, Walt Disney would visit with Mr. Gray in the office.

  3. casey gibbs says:

    Not only was Jim one of the Fair producers but also was the Dallas Cowboys entertainment directors. All of us show people always worked the start of the games releasing the blue and white ballons and then work the seats working floss,snow cones, and any thing else that was hot . Then at least once a year Gil would do a Hafe time circus. Thanks to Jim and Gil it sure made getting thru the winter a little easier. Plus made most of us Cowboy fans for life.

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