Capell Bros Blow Down

Posted By on January 9, 2010


Sometimes, if you have enough warning you might be able to save a tent. The boss canvas man can drop the peeks of the tent  getting it down far enough to keep it from too much wind damage………. if you’re lucky. Four men can drop the tent peaks simultaneously and quite fast. At the top of each pole there is a ring around the pole called a bail ring to which the tent canvas is lashed to this ring. The bail ring has a chain with pulley blocks attached to it. Strong manila rope runs though the blocks and down the center pole to a device called a pole pin, which is a steel bar that runs though a bore hole in center pole which is about waist high. This is where the rope is tied off. This rope holds the weight of this portion of the tent. There is a steel safety cable as well from the bail ring to to pin. Now the easy part, with a man on each center pole, they release the safety cable and slack off on the ropes allowing the tent to drop slowly. Each center pole has a minimum of 250 feet of  rope. These pulley block ropes and bail rings are used to raise the tent. As you can see in the picture…sometimes there is not much time to do anything.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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