Posted By thecircusblog on September 21, 2009
The motion picture Trapeze was shot in 1956. It was an instant success. Just a year or two before the movie came out, my family and I were on the Siebrand Bros Circus and this is where I met my dear friend Shelby Jackson. Shelby and his wife Babe did a Horizontal Bar act on the show. During the season Shelby started teaching me the bars. While practicing Shelby said to me you remind me of Burt……….. Oh Burt who?………Lancaster…. Shelby said. He use to do bars, pretty good too, He had to bend his knee up like you do on the giant swing to keep from hitting his feet. He was a good acrobat and did a pretty good perch act. Shelby told me that he worked with Burt and Nick Cravat back in the 1930’s. They were on Kay Bros and King Bros Circuses. Shelby mentioned that he was not a trapeze performer but he was in a casting act for awhile…. somewhat similar and that he could do just about everything else when it came to acrobatics. Most of the trapeze doubling in the movie Trapeze was done by Fay Alezander. However if you see the movie, Burt does some of his own stunt work.
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