Ross and Pal

Posted By on August 18, 2009


Harry Ross as Mop Head the clown. We never called him Harry, he was Rossy to all who knew him. On the Siebrand circus all the performers set up and tore down the show. The show ladies were excluded not because it was hard work ….it just wasn’t necessary. When we took a brake,  Rossy would go to his trailer and bring out a bucket of Kool Aid that he had made for everybody. Either my mother or someone else had sandwiches for us. It didn’t take much to set up the circus as we always had fun joking with each other. Rossy was the  responsible for teaching me hand balancing which led to my doing comedy hand balancing with my chimp Bongi. From 1947 and though the 1950’s my father would only book a season at a time on Siebrand’s. He would book another season elsewhere because Dad said it keeps us fresh …….personally I think he got bored. Off and on we spent maybe 6 or 7 seasons with Siebrand’s. In the mid 1960’s the circus faded away and later  Siebrand Bros Circus & Carnival was no more. Rossy was  still going strong doing his clown table and chair act and the clown alley routines with fellow performers on different circuses. We worked many shows together and it was always a pleasure to see him again. Time interferes with life and you lose contact with friends.  It has  been over 15 years…… I hope you are still out there Rossy. Thanks for the good times and the helping hand. 


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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