J.E.Henry Circus Parade

Posted By on July 8, 2009


This picture is of my grandfather’s circus in a circus parade. 1907  I believe that this picture has been  PIRATED and sold along with other old circus photos of my grandfather.  If you see Quillen in this bottom right corner it is a true photo, however in this photo someone has put their own name and a proof mark. Mr Harry Quillen was the photographer that reproduced these pictures for the Henry family in the early 1940’s. The late Harry Quillen was well known in the circus and theatrical world for his great work in photography.  At this time much of his work has been stolen or sold. Bill Biggerstaff of the Circus Report was a good friend of his and can fill you in if you care to know more about this fine man. Incidentally, if you want to read present and past history of the circus,  go to thecircusreport@hotmail.com 


                                              THANKS MARGARET


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “J.E.Henry Circus Parade”

  1. Margaret says:

    Hi Ivan….I see alot of this being done to old circus photos on e-bay..Also if you click on the circus report link you have posted,it takes you to a register a domain site..
    PBS is going to be filming and broadcasting the Circus Parade live on July 11..Check your local stations for the times..

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