Ralph Helfer

Posted By on July 11, 2009

Ralph Helfer

Back in 1958 this man did me a favor…..I thanked him then and I thank him now. I was an actor in a movie called Magic of Sinbad,  a Medhat Mandoor Production. I did four character roles and was the stunt coordinator. There was a market place scene where the script called for animals, not just a few but many different types of farm animals. As always,  the director wanted them immediately. The assistant director forgot the animals for the scene. I must say that he wasn’t to popular on the set  that day.  Ralph Helfer came to our rescue.  I gave him a call and told him our problem and within 5 hours he was at the studio with about 30 animals. He left the animals in my care and that meant no stock tenders. The market place shoot went on for 3 days. Of course the animals  had to have food and water and guess who got the job?  Oh but that’s not all to this story. We housed the animals in a small area behind the studio on a vacant set. Early that following morning we discovered that they had  all gotten out and were everywhere on the streets of Hollywood. It took hours to round them up and we finally finished the shoot.  Thanks again Ralph.  He never charged the studio a dime.

A real jackot!


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Ralph Helfer”

  1. Suzette LaPine-Rosecrans says:

    We have three orphaned cubs in Galena Alaska – working with agencies to get them out. Lots of red tape. Possible place in Colorado, but Alaska needs to approve and then we are in need of funds for transporting – this ma be $10,000. the mother was killed at a ball field in our village for her hide. Leaving three cubs. I have been feeding them (illegally for 10 days) and have been notified by the authorities that I cannot do this any longer. If they cannot find the transportation funds and ensure the safe location they will come to Galena to euthanize them. They are going to make a decision in 24 hours. I am desperate. Please call 907-656-7250, 656-2117, or 656-4503. Thank you for giving this issue consideration….Suzette

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