W.S. Horne……………I. S. Horne

Posted By on June 10, 2009


It just seems like it was just yesterday when I saw Mr. Horne driving around Thousand Oaks in his car. From left to right:  I.S. Horne with a friend,  Bimbo the elephant and an orangutan on the neck of Bimbo and of course his car….a brand new Nash Rambler.  The photo was taken in the parking lot of the World Jungle Compound.  Front gate is behind camera. I wonder what is the significance of the car?

Great comment from Steve Fleet regarding Trader Horne’s animal factory.

           Please se correction on Mr. Horne’s name done by Christy.

                                             Isaac Sherman Horne.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “W.S. Horne……………I. S. Horne”

  1. Steve Fleet says:

    Mr. Horne had a small factory across from Jungleland just behind my Uncle Albert’s(Fleet) house on Conejo school rd. They made the coin operated “Tusko” elephant rides you used to see outside most grocery stores. The Orangutan in this picture was named Andy. Mr. Horne also had a Gorilla named Butch. They were both kept in cages inside the factory. I used to play in there all the time. My family spent a lot of time with Mr. Horne and he treated me like I was his Grandson. I may have an old picture or two…

  2. Christy says:

    This says WS Horne. Do you mean IS Horne? Trader Horne was Isaac Sherman Horne, right? Or was there another Horne?

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