Trader Horne and Billy Richards

Posted By on March 9, 2009

Horn and Richards

The history makers…what a great picture of these two.  Trader Horne on the left, was an animal importer and later became part owner of the World Jungle Compound.  Do you remember the little mechanical elephants, most of which were at the entrance to shopping centers….that the kids could ride for ten cents? Trader Horne was the creator of those mechanical elephants.  Billy Richards was responsible for many of the large animal acts on many circuses like LG Barnes to mention one of many. Later he became involved with World Jungle Compound also. He was best known as an idea man and an investor. He never trained animals but he had a great imagination.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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