The Wazzans

Posted By on March 1, 2009


Kief Halik Sahby….Antar I just discovered your pictures and was happy when I did. The last  we spoke was in 1981. I was producing the entertainment for the National Date Festival. This picture is of the trampoline act. This looks like a finish trick  and it is quite different because of the shoulder held balance pole being used on the trampoline. Notice the high somersault. I believe this is an original trick.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


7 Responses to “The Wazzans”

  1. Margaret says:

    Hi Ivan,Just saw Antar and Bev in Vegas at Christmas..They are both doing great..Also saw Lisa,she lives in Vegas and works I believe as a dresser for Bette Midler? Also caught Little Antar there,he lives in L.A. and worked on the set of Bernie Mac for years,not sure what he’s working on now..At the time I saw him he had just came back from Italy..Omar is the road manager for “Hanna Montana” Miley Cirus and lives in Utah..I think they are going on a concert tour of Europe this year..Margaret..

  2. admin says:

    Thank you for the comment, If you see the Antar and the family tell them hello for me ………….Ivan

  3. Margaret says:

    I’ll tell Bev the next time I call her..( You know she is my sister?.)Did you know that Fatima (Wazzan) and her husband Moulay Brahim have a page on circuspace..You can also catch her sometimes on Bill Strongs Blog..

  4. admin says:

    Hello Margaret …….. No I did not know these things thank you for info. I have lost track of many of my friends and keeping up with news of others in our circus biz. When I lost my Chimps in 1979 to Valley Fever a Sickness that had no known cure at that time everything just about ended for me as far as the circus, but thanks to God I carried on in other forms of Show biz as a producer director in motion pictures, Fair’s and three Amustment Parks. I miss the Circus and my circus friends…………..Kindest regards Ivan.

  5. Margaret says:

    I know how you feel..The last year I was on the road was 1980,with Vargas..After my first husband and I split( Wade) I met and married my current husband and have been a towner ever since..LOL..All of my sisters and brother no longer go on the road, but a few of their children do..Vincent Von Duke( Donna’s son ) has a cat act currently with one unit of Jordan, and my son Adam Burck has his cat act on their other unit..Pauline’s daughter Maria and her family (Ayala’s) were on Lewis and Clark last year,and recently in Evansville..So the family traditions go on..Jolly would be proud..

  6. admin says:

    Hello again………..Wade Burck…. This gentlemen has helped me out with my CIRCUS BLOG getting the right namns on some of my circus performers. I have not gotten an email from him in some time. Rergards …..Ivan

  7. Patsy Jordan says:

    Hi Ivan,
    Do you remember Johnny Jordan? Just reading your blog and came upon Margarets comments to you about Adam And Vincent. Vincents been on our show for yrs. and I had no idea Adam was her son.
    Nice reading your blog.
    Patsy Jordan

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