Shorty & Solon Henry

Posted By on October 4, 2012

My elephant Shorty’s best friend was my son Solon. If I would allow them they would play all day long and never get tired. The mud hole was their favorite spot. Solon would take off Shorty’s chains, grab the water hose and the fun started. Shorty was capable of taking off his own leg chains. He figured out a way to undo the chain clevis using one foot and his trunk finger. His back chain was even simpler he would pull up the stake. Shorty never took off….. he just wanted to visit sometimes at 3:00 am.  He would come to the trailer door and gently push it …..just enough to rock the trailer to awake us.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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