The Glen Henry Family

Posted By on September 28, 2012

From left to right Patty, Shirley, GarY, Ethel and Glen Henry. This photo had to be taken in the late 1940’s. All the Henrys had a rolling globe act. The reason is on their father circus the Henry boys had to double for each other. It came to mind just how many acts the Henry brothers and theIr sister did. ……Rolling Globe, Wire, Bounding Rope, Trapeze, Rings, Trampoline, Pony, Horses, Dogs, Monkies, Clowning, Elephants, Lions, Iron Jaw , Juggling, Aerial Sway Pole, Cloud Swing, Balancing Chairs and Table, Trick Roping and Wipe act, Web, Swinging Ladder, Camel & Llama Drill and each of the Boys played a brass instrument or drums if needed in a pinch. It seems like a lot to accomplish but it is very common among  circus families.

Thank you Zoeanna for sending the Glen Henry family Photos.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “The Glen Henry Family”

  1. Donald Tayloe says:

    Glen Henry once had an Elephant named “Empress.” Does anyone know where that Elephant is today?

    Thank you

  2. al poluyanskis says:

    I have two pictures signed The Glenn Henry’s..One with elephant and man and one with women and dogs going down a child slide…Man in background…..?

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