Aida The Girl In The Moon #4

Posted By on December 4, 2008

If anyone recognizes this pair of performers ….please email me their complete names.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Aida The Girl In The Moon #4”

  1. Bill Strong says:

    This of course is the Walkmirs, I’ll have to do alittle lookin to see if I can find their first names,
    I have to apologize as when Joanne sent me this picture I didn’t know it came off your blog, I will put in a credit. I have many people ask me why I don’t have links to other blogs, it’s because even though I spend a lot of time on on the computer I know little about it and I have never learned how to do it.
    Sometime in the future I want to do a history of Airplane & Rocket Acts, & with your permission these pics would be a great addition. I naturally know the history of the Kimris Act since my wife & I worked it for almost 20 years. I know at one time there were quite a few acts like Kimris & Aida, I just have to find info on them.

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