Clyde Beatty 1937 #8

Posted By on March 12, 2012


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “Clyde Beatty 1937 #8”

  1. Roger Smith says:

    There could be any reason for the hurdle not being level, such as forgetfulness or laziness in not breaking the ring curb. In my time with Beatty, the curb was broken so that the hurdle could slide in between the slot cut in the spreader of that one section of arena, as we see here. But the hurdle went in level, even when the prop boy had to lift and heave it over any untended rough spot on the ground. The hurdle jumping tigers were Beatty’s ever-celebrated rollovers having segued to this finish of their featured spot in his act.

  2. Roger Smith says:

    I should have added that after the hurdle jump, which was a back-and-forth of 6 to 10 jumps, the tiger bounded for the tunnel door, underneath the pyramided lions on the back wall, and headed for home.

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